Oval Tank

Oval Tank

brand : TPC Stores

The oval water supply is made of polyethylene (PE). This tank is like a horizontal tank, but it is known by this name because of its oval shape. The oval tank is usually used for places with a low height. People use these tanks to collect and store rainwater, underground water, and natural fresh water supplies such as streams and lakes. Although it is possible to use an oval tanker to store other liquids such as oil, fuel, and chemicals, you should note that the liquid you use must be compatible with polyethylene. Otherwise, the liquid will react with the polyethylene and the chemical properties of the liquid will change. In addition, these tanks can be used for residential, industrial, agricultural, firefighting, etc.

Product Code

Product Name


Outer Length (L)

Outer Width (w)

Total Height/ outer (L)

Height without Lid/(Outer) H1


500-liter oval tank







1,000-liter oval tank







1,500-liter oval tank







2,000-liter oval tank







3,000-liter oval tank







5,000-liter oval tank






Tabarestan Oval Tank

Many people purchase an oval tank to store and maintain water and other liquids. These tanks, which are produced using high-density polyethylene, have all the benefits of a water tank. For this purpose, "Tabarestan Plastic Complex" can help various industries to produce high-quality and cost-effective products by producing first-class plastic tanks. You can see the specifications of oval tankers on this page and place the order for your desired product by checking the oval tank price (quotation) and receiving advice from our sales team.

What is the Oval Tank?

The oval water supply is made of polyethylene (PE). This tank is like a horizontal tank but it is known by this name because of its oval shape. The oval tank is usually used for places with a low height. People use these tanks to collect and store rainwater, underground water, and natural fresh water supplies such as streams and lakes.

Although it is possible to use an oval tanker to store other liquids such as oil, fuel, and chemicals, you should note that the liquid you use must be compatible with polyethylene. Otherwise, the liquid will react with the polyethylene and the chemical properties of the liquid will change. These tanks can also be used for residential, industrial, agricultural, firefighting, etc. applications.

High Resistance of Oval Tank to Sunlight

The plastic can be damaged by exposure to direct sunlight, high temperatures, and high humidity. The plastic tanks are affected by the sunlight (if kept outside a covered space or indoor) and air heat in Iran, especially during the hottest months of the year. The tank may undergo a phenomenon called photo-oxidation and UV degradation over time. The oxidation is the result of exposure to direct sunlight, which ultimately causes the tank’s molecular destruction.

The damage caused by the sun's ultraviolet ray not only affects the tank appearance, but also has a negative impact on the structural strength of the tank. The water tank lifespan will be significantly reduced by a decrease in structural strength. However, the polyethylene oval tank of "Tabarestan Plastic Complex" is produced from stabilizing additives to resist the direct sunlight. This tank is often produced in foam-containing three- and four-layer. The middle layer is responsible for resisting the UV ray and preventing the growth of algae.

Oval Tank Selection based on Capacity and Size

"Tabarestan Plastic Complex" polyethylene water supplies are sold in a wide range of capacities and sizes. You can purchase a tank with the right capacity and dimension (height, length and width) according to your desired application. These tanks are available in the capacity of 500 to 5,000 liters. It's just important to ensure your space dimensions before purchasing an oval tank. Thus, measure the tanker deployment space first and then place the order for the right size (dimension). If you have little space for a tank, then you can use a under-stair tank and place your tank below the stair of the building.

By the way, the tank capacity depends on the type of application you need. In general, polyethylene oval water tankers are used in various industries, including agriculture, industry, pharmaceuticals, food, chemicals, etc. The plastic tanks are mostly used to store the drinking water but they can also be used for irrigation for agricultural purposes, firefighting and fire extinguishing, and residential applications. So, you should select the appropriate dimensions and capacity of the tank depending on the type of application.

Oval Tank Price Affordability

Oval polyethylene tanks are cheaper than metal tanks. It is also easier and cheaper to transport and install these tanks due to the low weight of the plastic tankers compared to metal ones. Even in terms of production quality, it should be mentioned that the oval water tank has a higher production quality. Consequently, you will purchase a product that is both of good quality and you will have to pay less to purchase.

Another important advantage of the oval polyethylene tank is that it is not affected by corrosion or rust. Such a problem often occurs in metal tanks. Also, plastic water tanks are very fortified due to the lack of seams. It means that they are produced in an integrated (one-piece) way. Metal tanks have welded joints that may crack if hit. The possibility of leakage occurs in the oval tanks rarely due to the fact that are produced in an integrated way.

If you plan to make the most of the smallest possible space, then you can use the Doorway tank. These tanks are very compact and suitable for small spaces.

Sales of Oval Tank of Tabarestan Plastic Complex

Purchasing the oval tank through "Tabarestan Plastic Complex" can have many benefits for you. The most important advantage is that Tabarestan polyethylene tankers have a production license from the Ministry of Health, Treatment, and Medical Education. In addition, all the products are produced according to the standard by first-class and food grade raw materials. For this reason, there is no change in the smell, taste, and color of the water inside the tank. Contact our Sales and Support Team to purchase the polyethylene tank and to check the oval tank pricelist.